Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Salvation Army Against Human Trafficking

2004 International Salvation Army Headquaters (IHQ) urged the world wide organization to create awareness about Human Trafficking. That fall the Canada and Bermuda Division made a working group ( the Anti-Trafficking Network). April 2007 the network gathered at Jackson's Point Confrence Centre (JPCC) for training and awareness.
Action plans were also made:
1. to raise awareness within and outside the Salvation Army ( Sally Ann). This would be done through seminars and prestintations. It would be significant in Preventing those at risk.
2. Promote the issue at local Sally ann Corps. including men's , women's and youth groups.
2008 the Sally Ann's government Relations Officer partnered with winnipeg Police and made a presintation to Senator Romeo Dallaire's committe against Human Trafficking. In November Sally Ann Canada and Bermuda Mission team went to Tijuanna, Mexico, to minister to high risk famillies about human Trafficking. Vernon B.C. had a successful event called Traffick jam that brought awareness to youth. The Greater Vancouver Division is bringing awareness because of the 2010 olympics. The Sally Ann is makinga Human Trafficking manual.

The Sally Ann is commited to bringing awareness and continues to devolope programs against Human Trafficking.

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