Friday, November 20, 2009

Human Trafficking - A Real Life Story

Shona came from a loving family in nothern Ontario she did well in school but when her Grandma died nothing mattered. shona lives in a samll town and people help newcomers feel welcome. Shona was 17 when she met Rick. She was walking to the convience store and this handsome man asked her about the town and wanted to know more so they when for coffee. Rick was alittle older than shona was but he was kind, caring, and trustworthy. Rick invited Shona to his homwtown. she knew that her parents wouldn't approve so she told them a false but believable story and went. When shona was in Ricks hometown he introduced her to friends protected and cared for her. Shona also dabbled in drugs and alcohol. Things changed after Rick told Shona he loved her. He made her have sex with his friends for drugs. When she resited he said he would tell her parents that she was into drugs and alcohol and was a tramp. Rick kept her captive, beat her, raped her and put her on the streets as a prostitute.

Shonas story is not uncommon many girls have the same problem, you may see a loving couple walking down the street but behind the scenes something might be seriously wrong.

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