Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What is Human trafficking? What goes on?

Human Trafficking is the involuntary movement of people across and within borders and typically involves coercion, deception, and violence.

- from article Global crime case: the modern slave trade.

Boyfriends, Family, crimals, and local pimps can be the one to run and take the people who become victims of Human Trafficking. The victims are bought sold and taken across boarders and taken to different countries. The victim is deprived of food, have basic rights taken away. The people who own them get them hooked on drugs, and threaten the victim into doing what they want them to do (i.e. prostution) and the victims life is intensly shortened. The men who take the people trade people the same way they would trade drugs, and guns. Behind guns, and drugs human trafficking is one of the most illict global trade and fastest growing. Sex trafficking can be found all over china, cambodia, thailand, russia, Philippines, colombia, Japan, Italy, European Union, and the US. south East Asia is known as the sex hot spot because it has the most sex slaves.

Human Trafficking generates:
US $7 billion - 10 billlion
China $ 3 billion - 8 billion
Mexico $ 6 Billion - 9 billion

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Salvation Army Against Human Trafficking

2004 International Salvation Army Headquaters (IHQ) urged the world wide organization to create awareness about Human Trafficking. That fall the Canada and Bermuda Division made a working group ( the Anti-Trafficking Network). April 2007 the network gathered at Jackson's Point Confrence Centre (JPCC) for training and awareness.
Action plans were also made:
1. to raise awareness within and outside the Salvation Army ( Sally Ann). This would be done through seminars and prestintations. It would be significant in Preventing those at risk.
2. Promote the issue at local Sally ann Corps. including men's , women's and youth groups.
2008 the Sally Ann's government Relations Officer partnered with winnipeg Police and made a presintation to Senator Romeo Dallaire's committe against Human Trafficking. In November Sally Ann Canada and Bermuda Mission team went to Tijuanna, Mexico, to minister to high risk famillies about human Trafficking. Vernon B.C. had a successful event called Traffick jam that brought awareness to youth. The Greater Vancouver Division is bringing awareness because of the 2010 olympics. The Sally Ann is makinga Human Trafficking manual.

The Sally Ann is commited to bringing awareness and continues to devolope programs against Human Trafficking.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Truth Isn't Sexy!

This is a video from a Salvation Army campaign:

Human Trafficking - A Real Life Story

Shona came from a loving family in nothern Ontario she did well in school but when her Grandma died nothing mattered. shona lives in a samll town and people help newcomers feel welcome. Shona was 17 when she met Rick. She was walking to the convience store and this handsome man asked her about the town and wanted to know more so they when for coffee. Rick was alittle older than shona was but he was kind, caring, and trustworthy. Rick invited Shona to his homwtown. she knew that her parents wouldn't approve so she told them a false but believable story and went. When shona was in Ricks hometown he introduced her to friends protected and cared for her. Shona also dabbled in drugs and alcohol. Things changed after Rick told Shona he loved her. He made her have sex with his friends for drugs. When she resited he said he would tell her parents that she was into drugs and alcohol and was a tramp. Rick kept her captive, beat her, raped her and put her on the streets as a prostitute.

Shonas story is not uncommon many girls have the same problem, you may see a loving couple walking down the street but behind the scenes something might be seriously wrong.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The 2010 Winter Olympics and Human Trafficking

This is the information that i found from an article on the Salvation Army website about Human Trafficking and the Winter Olypics 2010.

In B.C. there are already troubles with Human Trafficking. but when the Olympics comes to a place the amount of Human Trafficking doubles. University of British Columbia ( UBC) law professor says "We're talking here about victims of both domestic - Canadians - as well as international victims." The Canadian Religious Conference ( CRC) has made a Education kit for high school students that show what can happen at the 2010 Olymipcs and how they can avoid it. Major Brain Venables "Most of them are Trafficked in hotels and private homes, and theyère accessed through the internet or services that provide these things." Jamie McIntosh "Some of the networks or the routes to traffic historically (used) to traffic drugs, or weapons are now used to traffic human flesh." 1500 - 2000 prostitutes working in Vancouver now! This could and mostly likely will double with the Winter Olympics. Some are as young as 13. Plans by Christians: try to reduce the supply of women and children that fall prey.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Daniel Morrison

This is a guy who is going to try and help victims involved with Human Trafficking:

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Salvation Army's Project Mexico

This is a video that The Salvation Army made for awareness and to try and stop the human Trafficking in Mexico( this video was made in 2007, but that does not mean that they have stopped trying):

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Human Trafficking

For my ISP ( Independant Study Project) I have chosen to do Human Trafficking. The reason why i chose to do this is because it is something serious that is happening in different parts of the world and we have know idea it is going on. Thousands of people, mostly yound women, get taken by people and get sold to do different things and they have a 99% chance of never seeing their family again. most governments don't want to hear about it and just ignore it. But there are some police and law enforcers who do try and stop this from happening and are trying to find these people who are taking innocent people and selling them. What i would like to focus on this topic is where and when this happens, and how long do you have a chance of living in the first 48hrs, and if any governments are trying to stop this.